Trustees and Advisors
Chairman of The Trust
Peter M. Shoolingin-Jordan, B.Sc., Ph. D., C.Sci., C.Chem., F.R.S.C., Emeritus Professor
Secretary of The Trust
James Laffeaty, B.Sc. Hons., Dip. Surv, (2017 – present)
Treasurer of the Trust
Richard Hewett, B.A., Hons., Dip. C.I.M
Council of Management
Frank M. Akerman BEM, M.B., B.S., Retired Family Doctor
Dilys Hall, B.D.S,. Dip. Arch. Con., Retired Dental Practitioner
Peter Halliwell, B.Sc., C. Eng., M.I.Mech.E.
Roderick Jackson, M.R.I.C.S
Michael J. Woodhall, F.R.I.C.S.
John Thompson-Hall, C.Eng., M.I.C.E
Professional Advisors to The Trust
Tina Cook, B.A. Hons.
Ian W. Payne, B.Sc., C.Eng., M.I.C.E., M.I. Struct. E.
Adrian Rigby, B,Sc., F.R.I.C.S.
Martin L.C. Russell, L.L.B.
Kevin Stubbs, B.A. (Hons. Arch.), Dip. Blg. Cons. (AA), Cert. Ed. I.H.B.C., I.C.T.
The following have left the Council of Management since 2005: Dudley Bryant, Clive Collier, Graham Lee, and Frank Green. In 2020 Elizabeth Hands retired as Book Keeper to the Trust after many years of loyal service. Tim Greenall FCA 2020 - 2022 (Resigned 2nd February 2022). They are thanked for their generous time and valuable advice.
In 2019 the Council of Management announced the sad loss of their friend and colleague Edward Mason and gave thanks for his service as both a Trustee and latterly as an advisor, 1988 - 2019.